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To protect yourself from plagues and epidemics, there is no better remedy than Dr. Christopher’s Super Garlic Immune formula. This formula was originally called Anti-Plague formula and was designed specifically for dealing with epidemics such as swine flu, and it has been used successfully to prevent and treat epidemics in the past.
Simply take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day to prevent contracting the flu. If infected, you would take 1 tablespoon every 1/2 hour to clear the condition.
Video Copyright The School of Natural Healing. Learn more about courses, including their new online courses by visiting their website.
Purchase Dr. Christopher’s Anti-Plague formula below.
Also known as Dr. Christopher’s Super Garlic Immune Formula, Dr. Christopher Swine Flu Remedy
Due to world health events, demand remains strong. 2 oz. Extract - Available Here16 oz Syrup - Available. 4 oz Syrup - Available Formerly known as Dr. Christopher's Anti Plague or...
Formerly known as Anti Plague or Anti-plague Also available in syrup form. : A synergistic blend of popular herbs favored during winter times. Sometimes we catch cold after cold, while...