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You are Responsible for Your Own Health

While it is true that you may choose to delegate some of that responsibility to a professional health care provider, the responsibility ultimately lies with you. It is up to you to choose the path that is right for you. The purpose of The Vibrant Health Store is to help you make informed decisions regarding your health.

In the event the reader of this volume uses the information without the approval of a health care provider, he/she is prescribing for himself/herself and assuming full responsibility for it. This is his/her right to do so, but The Vibrant Health Store LLC assumes no responsibility for his/her actions. These nutritional products and programs are not offered as an alternative to a orthodox medical, osteopathic, homeopathic, or chiropractic approach to treat diseases, but rather, an adjunct to the conventional treatments and a supportive program that can be used in combination or in addition to other therapies, if desired. Good nutrition does not oppose or contradict the orthodox forms of healing. It complements them.


The human body is very complex. Although each person is similar in general structure and function, each is also uniquely different, responding differently to similar stimuli, therapies and conditions. What may help one person in a certain circumstance or condition, may not help another. This is also true with foods. A particular food that may be nourishing to a healthy person may cause an allergic reaction in another. Each condition may also be unique. Although thousands have had help from the natural methods described here, there have been and will be cases where destructive pathological changes are so severe, and the bodies own healing mechanisms so weakened, that the process of healing could be an extended process. persevere, and your hard work will be amply rewarded.


The Vibrant Health Store LLC does not diagnose nor prescribe. It is not the purpose of The Vibrant Health Store LLC, their officers, directors, affiliated health centers or independent distributors to replace the services of your health care provider.

It should not be misconstrued to mean, imply or indicate that the product or programs described here will cure anything, as no such claims are made. Only the body can heal itself. These nutritional suggestions are not offered as a cure, rather, as aids to the body in reestablishing normal functions.

We offer this information along with suggested programs to those who want to, and are willing to, share responsibility for their own health with their health care provider.

Even though the products offered on The Vibrant Health Store LLC contain no drugs, you should use them only as directed by your herbally-oriented health care provider. Do not self-diagnose.

Do not attempt to treat yourself for any serious condition. Consult your health care provider. Show him or her this material and undertake a program of treatment under supervision. However, if your health care provider says that nutrition is not important and attempts to treat you only with drugs, we suggest that you obtain a second opinion from a diet conscious health care provider who is more aware of the natural methods of biological medicine, because—after all, it is your health!

Also note: is not owned or run by the Christopher family. Please visit christopherwebsites.comto see official family websites.