Dr. Christopher's Original Formulas
Description: A synergistic blend of herbs for the special needs of children during the winter season.
The winter season change can be stressful for the your child & it is important to support their immune system.
Dr. Christopher's Kid-e-Well Extract aids the body with seasonal changes.
Ingredients: Yarrow, Elder Flowers, Peppermint, & Echinacea Angustifolia Root.
Directions: Take 1 dropperful 3 times a day or as needed.
Also, see Kid-e-Mune, Kid-e-Mins, Kid-e-Reg, and Jurassic Green Powder, Jurrassic Green Capsules, Vitalerbs, or Vitalerbs Glycerine Extract.
Natural Regenerative Skin Cream : Healthy skin should be important to all as our skin protects internal organs from injury, microorganisms, weather and the rest of the world. Taking care...
Ingredients: Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Chaparral Leaf, Comfrey Root, Red Clover Blossom, Mullein Leaf, Plantain Leaf, Chickweed Herb, Lobelia Herb, Golden Seal Root, Marshmallow Root, Poke Root, Pine Tar &...
Castor Oil in a 32 oz. bottle from Dr. Christopher's Wholistic Botanicals. Our castor oil is cold pressed, hexane free, and packed in glass bottles.