Dr. Christopher's Original Formulas
A synergistic blend of whole herbs for the cold weather season.
During winter we are usually stuck inside, and our immune system becomes taxed with lots of sniffling & sneezing people breathing the same air. It's important this time of year to get rest, wash hands frequently, drink plenty of fluids & you may escape the winter season unscathed.
Dr. Christopher's Chest Formula is full of herbs that are great for the cold season.
Formerly known as Herbal Composition
Ingredients: Bayberry Bark, Ginger Root, White Pine Bark, Cloves Whole & Cayenne Pepper.
Directions: As a dietary supplement take 2 capsules 3 times a day or as directed by your health care professional.
Formerly known as BF&C; Bone, Flesh and Cartilage Try this formula in Capsules, Ointment, Syrup, Massage Oil, Hair Shampoo, Hair Conditioner, Fizzy Bath Bomb, Hair & Scalp Massage Oil, and...
Due to world health events, demand remains strong. 2 oz. Extract - Available Here16 oz Syrup - Available. 4 oz Syrup - Available Formerly known as Dr. Christopher's Anti Plague or...
Natural Circulation, Sore Muscle & Joint Support Formerly known as Deep Heating Balm Also available in massage oil form. : A synergistic blend of herbs, pure essential oils and other...