Dr. Christopher's Original Formulas
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Natural Eye Circulation & Support. Formerly called Dr. Christopher's Herbal Eyebright Formula.
Also available in capsules.
Description: A synergistic blend of whole food herbs for the eyes.
The eyes are probably the most important organ connected to the senses. We use our eyes everyday for literally every task our body performs. Some vitamins & nutrients that help prevent the eye from certain age-related issues are not found in many common foods. This is why taking supplements for eye health is important before our later years.
Ingredients: Bayberry Bark, Eyebright Herb, Golden Seal Root, Red Raspberry Leaf & Cayenne Pepper in a base of pure grain alcohol.
Directions: As a dietary supplement take 10-15 drops 3 times a day or as directed by your health care professional. Click here to view Complete Instructions.
As an eyewash use 1-5 drops in an eyecup of hot distilled water. Let cool completely before use.
Store in a cool dry place.
Please note: A temporary burning sensation is normal.
Formerly known as B&B Alcohol Extract :Â A synergistic blend of herbs for the motor & overall nervous system. An Ear Infection can be sharp pain, or a dull ache. You...
An alcohol extract of the cayenne fruit. Available in two strengths. Also available in capsules. *: *A favorite dietary supplement of John R. Christopher. 40,000 Heat Unit (H. U.) is...
Formerly known as Anti Plague or Anti-plague Also available in syrup form. : A synergistic blend of popular herbs favored during winter times. Sometimes we catch cold after cold, while...