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Dr. Christopher's Kid-e-Calc Glycerine Extract

Dr. Christopher's Original Formulas


Natural Calcium for Children

Description: A synergistic blend of herbs for calcium & other minerals for children.

Children need a good amount of calcium to keep bones, teeth, muscles & blood stream healthy. Often kids lack a lot of calcium in their diets today. Calcium is the most commonly found mineral in our bodies, yet many are not getting the proper amount they need to build strong bones, hair, teeth, skin, nails & healthy eyes.

Dr. Christopher's Kid-e-Calc aids the body with all calcium needs & is an overall wonderful all natural calcium supplement for children.

Also available in Capsule, Cut (Calc Tea), adult Extract (Herbal Calcium) & Powder (Panc Tea) form.

Ingredients: Apple Cider Vinegar, Horsetail Grass, Oat Straw, & Lobelia.

Directions: Shake well. Take 5-10 drops 3 times a day.

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