Dr. Christopher's Original Formulas
Description: A synergistic blend of herbs for the intestinal tract.
Candida albicans is a natural part of the body's gut flora; however, If any bug has grown beyond the boundaries of the immune system, the body is not being adequately supported & can lead to Candida overgrowth, requiring a solution to help balance candida.
This product works best while following the Natural Protocol for Systemic Yeast Overgrowth as instructed by the School of Natural healing.
Ingredients: Black Walnut extract powder, Pau D'Arco extract powder, Olive Leaf, Usnea, Oregano, Cloves, Oregon Grape Root.
Formerly Known as BF&C Try this formula in Capsules, Ointment, Syrup, Massage Oil, Hair Shampoo, Hair Conditioner, Fizzy Bath Bomb, Hair & Scalp Massage Oil, and Bar Soap forms. The...
Formerly known as Fen LB and Naturalax II or Naturalax 2 Also available in glycerine extract form. : This is one of Dr. John R. Christopher's most famous and popular...
Natural Pre-Natal Support to Prepare for Delivery Formerly known as Pre-Natal Tea, Prenatal Formula A unigue whole herb formulation designed to support an expecting mother's body for the last 6...