Dr. Christopher's Original Formulas
Dr. Christopher's famous herbal composition formula in powder form.
A synergistic blend of whole herbs for the cold weather season.
During winter we are usually stuck inside, with lots of sniffling & sneezing people breathing the same air. It's important this time of year to get rest, wash hands frequently, drink plenty of fluids & you may escape the winter season unscathed.
Available in Capsule form under the name of Chest Formula.
Ingredients: Bayberry Bark, Ginger Root, White Pine Bark, Cloves & Cayenne Pepper.
Due to world health events, demand remains strong. 2 oz. Extract - Available Here16 oz Syrup - Available. 4 oz Syrup - Available Formerly known as Dr. Christopher's Anti Plague or...
A synergistic blend of herbs for the lymphatic system formerly known as INF formula, or Infection formula, and Lymphatic formula.Dr. Christopher's time tested INF formula supports the body's lymphatic system...
Formerly known as Anti Plague or Anti-plague Also available in syrup form. : A synergistic blend of popular herbs favored during winter times. Sometimes we catch cold after cold, while...