Dr. Christopher's Original Formulas
Dr. Christopher's famous relaxation formula in powder form.
A unique whole herb formulation that promotes relaxation.
Your body faces stressful demands each day, such as making ends meet, taking care of a family, a huge workload, rush hour traffic, etc. As a result your body may feel constantly under attack. Our body's stress-response system will usually self-regulate. But when stressful situations are too often present, it may leave you feeling tense, nervous, drained or on edge. Long-term activation of our stress-response system can disrupt almost all our body's processes & increase risk of numerous health problems.
Ingredients: Black Cohosh Root, Cayenne Pepper, Lobelia Herb, Hops Flowers, Scullcap herb, Valerian, Wood Betony & Mistletoe.
Dr. Christopher's adrenal formula in bulk. (Also known as adrenatone). Ingredients: Mullein Leaf, Licorice Root, Eleuthero Root, Gotu Kola, Hawthorn Berries, Lobelia Herb, Ginger Root & Cayenne Pepper.
Dr Christopher's Joint Formula Ingredients: Hydrangea Root, Brigham Root, Yucca Root, Chaparral Leaf, Black Walnut Leaf, Lobelia Herb, Burdock Root, Sarsaparilla Root, Wild Lettuce, Valerian, Wormwood Herb, Cayenne Pepper &...
Dr. Christopher's Liver and Gall Bladder formula in cut form. Both the liver & gallbladder play an important part in a healthy digestive system. The liver is vital to detoxifying...