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Natural Female System Support Formerly known as Nu-Fem Also available in glycerine extract form. : Many natural healers know this formula as the female corrective formula. A synergistic blend of...
Whole Food Vitamin, Mineral, Active Enzyme, Chlorophyll, Amino Acid, Phyto-Nutrient Formula Also available in powder form. : A synergistic blend of whole food nutritional herbs for the body, considered by...
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Ingredients: Eyebright Herb in a base of pure vegetable glycerin. Directions: Take 10-15 drops with water or juice three to four times daily or as recommended by a health care...
Also available in an alcohol extract (40,000 H.U. or hot 180,000 H.U.). : Cayenne pepper herb was the favorite herb of Dr. Christopher. Cayenne Pepper is a medicinal and nutritional...
1,000 Empty 100% vegetable capsules. (Vegi-caps). Available in two sizes Size "0" holds about 500 mg. One teaspoon will fill about 7 "0" capsules Size "00" holds about 650 mg....
Formerly known as Ephedratean Wow, 37 million Americans affected each year with Sinus problems! Our Sinuses are the first line of defense for our respiratory system. When dealing with a...
Helps Promote Healthy Glandular Function Formerly known as Mullein & Lobelia Ointment Also available in capsules and in a massage oil. : A synergistic blend of time tested herbs for...
Formerly known as Prospallate : A synergistic blend of whole food herbs for men over 50. Many of us will have some kind of urinary problem or injury in our...
Natural Support of the Respiratory, Lymphatic, & Glandular Systems for Optimum Health Also available in capsules and ointment forms. : A synergistic blend of time tested herbs for the glandular...
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: Our body's reaction to stress is meant to protect us but when it's constantly on alert, our health pays the price. Ingredients: Eleuthero Root (Siberian Ginseng), Bee Pollen, Licorice...
Dr. Christopher's Liver and Gall Bladder formula in cut form. Both the liver & gallbladder play an important part in a healthy digestive system. The liver is vital to detoxifying...
Dr. Christopher's "Thieves" Essential Oil Blend **We also recommend Super Garlic Immune Formula for current World Health Events.** Thieves formulation. Every day, no matter the season, whether we are inside, outside,...
: Mother's favorite formula for her new born baby. This formula is time tested and a blessing for infants. A synergistic blend of herbs to soothe infants & toddlers. Your...
A great purse sized blend of healing herbs for the lips. Painful & embarrassing. Cold sores can occur at any time & are triggered by stress, hormonal fluctuations, surgery, fevers,...
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: A synergistic blend of herbs for nasal congestion & dry nostrils. A stuffy nose occurs when nasal & blood vessels become swollen with excess fluid. Nasal congestion is often...
Also known as Dr. Christopher's RCC formula or Dr. Christopher's Blood Stream Formula.The bloodstream is life itself, & it is important to keep it as clean & pure as possible...
Dr. Christopher's adrenal formula in bulk. (Also known as adrenatone). Ingredients: Mullein Leaf, Licorice Root, Eleuthero Root, Gotu Kola, Hawthorn Berries, Lobelia Herb, Ginger Root & Cayenne Pepper.
6 Week Extended Herbal Cleansing Program Sometimes referred to as the 6-week Cleanse, Extended Herbal Cleanse : A Kit that contains herbal preparations to cleanse various systems of the body...
Formerly known as Dr. Christopher's Anti-Spasmodic Formula. : This formula is known as the Antispasmodic. This extract is in a base of pure grain alcohol. Ingredients: Skullcap Herb, Lobelia Herb, Cayenne,...
: Lobelia Herb extract in a base of pure grain alcohol. Also available as an apple cider vinegar extract. Ingredients: Lobelia Herb tincture in a base of pure grain alcohol....
: We all experience minor pain at some point in our lifetime. Simple tasks like waking up in the morning, or moving household items can aggravate the pain even more....
A synergistic blend of whole food herbs for the thyroid gland. Fatigue, muscle weakness, nervousness, difficulty sleeping, irregular menstrual periods in girls may all be linked to a thyroid that...
A great purse sized blend of soothing herbs for the lips. With no oil or sweat glands our lips lack the protection that the rest of our skin enjoys. Constantly...
Helps Promote Bowel Cleansing Formerly known as TNT # 2 : This product was designed to follow the Quick Colon Part 1 Formula.The large intestine (Colon) is an important part...
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In this book Dr. Christopher discusses: How to work with a fever for the good of the body Common colds and fevers An excellent herbal flu remedy The usefulness of...
A soothing & moisturizing soap bar. We actively try to minimize the amount of toxins that enter our body by eating good food, drinking purified water & purifying the air...
A synergistic blend of herbs rich in plant based iron by Dr. Christopher. Our body uses iron to create the protein center of red blood cells. This iron-rich protein center...
The best home encapsulating device on the market. It automatically joins and ejects filled capsules, making it faster and easier to use than other products available. FILLS 24 CAPSULES IN...
Formerly known as Bugleweed Combination : A synergistic blend of herbs for detoxification. Unfortunately we are exposed to heavy metals on a daily basis. We are exposed to lead, mercury,...
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Formerly Known as Panc Tea A synergistic blend of herbs for the pancreas. Our pancreas is an amazing gland in the abdomen that produces insulin & helps our body break...
: A synergistic blend of herbs. Many times we believe that we are allergic to certain foods, plants or animals, but in reality our immune system may be just over-reacting.Also...
Also available in capsule form and a relaxing fizzy bath bomb. : A unigue whole herb formulation that promotes relaxation. Your body faces stressful demands each day, such as making...
: Lobelia Herb Extract in base of apple cider vinegar. Also available as an alcohol extract. Ingredients: Lobelia Herb in a base of apple cider vinegar. Directions: As a dietary...
The lower bowel is perhaps the most important eliminative organ - if it gets backed up, everything gets backed up. Many diseases would be eliminated if we would only give...
: Only the size of a pea, the pituitary gland is a tiny organ found at the base of the brain. As the master gland of the body, it produces...
Assimilable Organic Iron Support : A synergistic blend of herbs rich in plant based iron. Our body uses iron to create the protein center of red blood cells. This iron-rich...
Natural Female System SupportFormerly known as Nu-Fem Also available in capsules. : A dietary supplement for women. Many natural healers know this formula as the female corrective formula. A synergistic...
: A synergistic blend of herbs for the digestive system. Gas can be noisy & embarrassing but it's perfectly normal. Excessive flatulence on the other hand can cause bloating, discomfort...
Feeling sad, down, blue, not thinking straight & miserable are ways we may feel from time to time. Taking a natural approach for a chemical imbalance & to rid negative...
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: A synergistic blend of herbs for the liver (hepatic) systems. Unfortunately many times for a chemical imbalance we are suggested to take chemicals which can have long & short...
: Dr. Christopher's Relax-Eze formula in a relaxing fizzy bath bomb. The skin is our largest organ, absorbing beneficial substances within moments of contact with the skin. A compressed tablet...
Formerly known as Juni Pars : Our kidneys are vital body organs that filter waste from the blood & aid the body in eliminating through urine. Kidney health is important...
Shake well before opening. Apply externally as needed or as directed by your Health Care Professional. External use only.Store in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children....
A synergistic blend of whole herbs for the cold weather season. During winter we are usually stuck inside, and our immune system becomes taxed with lots of sniffling & sneezing...
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: A synergistic blend of herbs for the immune system. Our immune system is made up of a network of cells, tissues & organs that work together to protect the...
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Falls, allergies, colds, bee stings, infections, burns can happen in any home or while traveling. Having an Herbal "First Aid" kit handy & well stocked will help you handle a...
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: The BF&C Fizz bomb contains Dr. Christopher's Complete Tissue & Bone Formula in a relaxing fizzy bath bomb. The skin is our largest organ, absorbing beneficial substances within moments...
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Also known as MPR or M.P.R. (M. P. R.) Muscle pain relief spray for temporary muscle discomfort. Our bodies need exercise as it is an important part of a healthy,...